Headache And Vision Problems, Causes, And Treatment

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      <br> Vision is a pivotal part of the perception and is directly linked to the nervous system.
      Therefore, changes in one automatically affect the other. It is logical that if there is a problem with the eye, it might cause a headache as well. One of the most common problems arises due to eyes strain, in which the muscles involved in vision focus are overused.
      Headache along with blurred vision may also occur due to a medical emergency or an underlying condition. They will usually have additional symptoms too which might be life-threatening. One should therefore not hesitate in consulting a doctor if the symptoms are severe.

      <br><br> There are dozens of medical conditions that can cause both headaches and blurred vision at the same time. Discussed below are possible conditions and its treatments of headache and blurred vision. <br> Stroke- when a blood clot blocks a vessel transferring blood to the brain. A stroke happens when a blood vessel ruptures in the brain, it is called a hemorrhagic stroke.
      It can cause blurred vision in one or both eyes and is accompanied by a sudden, headache. Some other symptoms include- trouble walking, loss of balance or coordination, dizziness, difficulty understanding speech and speaking, confusion and numbness in the face, arm, and leg or on one side of the body. <br> Treatment- for ischemic stroke medication, the doctor might prescribe medication to break up the clot and boost blood flow.

      Surgery can also be performed to remove the clot. For hemorrhagic stroke, surgery is required to stop the bleeding in the brain. Several forms of therapy and medication are also prescribed to recover completely. <br> Low blood sugar- blood sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day, especially in between meals.
      If the blood sugar is less than 70 milligrams per deciliter, the condition is called hypoglycemia which can be very dangerous. This happens because the brain gets starved of glucose. Some other symptoms of low blood sugar are tingling or numbness in cheeks, lips or tongue, nausea, hunger, lack of energy, weakness, coordination problems or clumsiness, sleepiness, pale skin, irritation, dizziness, fast heartbeat, shaky feeling, confusion, sweating, chills or nervous or anxious feeling. <br> Treatment- those having too low glucose level may receive a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon kit can also be advised to keep at home, in case a person has conditions that cause severe hypoglycemia.

      <br> Migraine- it causes severe pulsing or throbbing pain in a part of the head. Some people with migraine also experience blurred vision along with an aura of light around objects, seeing flashes of light, stars or dots, objects appearing further away or closer than they are a partial or complete loss of vision, tunnel vision, blind spots, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light. <br> Treatment- One can treat the symptoms with prescription medication or with analgesics.

      <br> Carbon monoxide poisoning- accidental exposure of a colorless, odorless, tasteless carbon monoxide is quite harmful. Breathing in carbon monoxide binds the hemoglobin which hinders the transmission of oxygen to tissues and organs. Some other symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are- flu-like symptoms, confusion, chest pains, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, and dizziness. <br> Treatment- responder at first is given high-flow oxygen through a mask.

      People with severe carbon monoxide poisoning are given 100% oxygen through a tube put directly into the airway. <br> Traumatic brain injury- when a blow, hit, bump, jolt or penetrating object interferes with normal brain functioning, it is called TBI. Some sign of TBI props up immediately, while others might take weeks to appear.
      Common signs of TBI are- nausea, vomiting, change in sleep habits, trouble with concentration, memory, thinking, attention, loss of consciousness for few seconds to minutes, Ocuprime Review sensitivity to sound or light, mood r behavior changes, bad taste, ringing in ears, sleepiness, lightheadedness, and confusion. <br> Patients with moderate to severe TBI experience headache that continue to persist or worsen. Moderate to severe TBI has following signs- increasing restlessness, agitation or confusion, tingling or numbness in arms or legs, persistent nausea and vomiting, loss of coordination, inability to wake up, seizures or convulsions and slurred speech.

      <br><br> Treatment- severe TBI is life-threatening without treatment. The severity, location, and extent of the injury determine the treatment. Those with moderate to severe TBI require emergency care and might even require surgery to further prevent the damage to brain tissues.
      Whereas, mild traumatic brain injuries may require just monitoring and self-care and must limit doing certain activities that increase the risk of re-injury or stresses the brain like playing sport or computer work. <br> The author is an online marketer and loves to write on different subjects.

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