Lossow, Otto von

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      <br>Otto Hermann von Lossow (German Otto Hermann von Lossow; January 15, 1868, Hoof – November 25, 1938, Munich) – German officer, lieutenant general.<br>Biography<br>Otto von Lossow is a of a noble family, the son of Landrat Oskar von Lossow. He studied in the Bavarian Cadet Corps and in 1886, with the rank of Fenrich, entered service in the Guards Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army. In 1888 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1892 he was appointed adjutant of the district command in Rosenheim. In 1895-1898, Lossow studied at the military academy, in 1899 he was sent to serve in the general staff, in 1900 he moved to the post of adjutant of the 2nd East Asian Infantry Brigade and took part in the suppression of the Ikhetuan uprising.<br><br>In 1901, Lossow returned to Bavaria, the next year he received the rank of captain and until 1904 served with the General Staff of the 1st Army Corps. For the next two years Lossow served as a company commander in his regiment, and then to serve in the general staff. With the rank of major in 1908, Lossow was sent to serve in the General Staff in Berlin. Since 1911, Lieutenant Colonel Lossow served as a military adviser to the General Staff of the Turkish Army and took part in the Balkan Wars.<br><br>During the First World War, Lossow headed the General Staff of the 1st Reserve Corps on the Western Front, then served as a military attaché in allied Turkey. After the war, Lossow served in the Reichswehr and commanded an in Munich. In 1921, Lossow was appointed commander of the 7th Military District. He maintained close ties with General Commissioner Gustav von Carr and openly sympathized with Hitler and the NSDAP.<br><br>The imperial government of the Weimar Republic instructed Lossow to close down the Beobachter, which he had banned, but Lossow did not obey the order, for which Hans von Seeckt suggested that he resign. Lossow refused to voluntarily resign, and on October 19, 1923, he lost all posts by the decision of Friedrich Ebert and Seeckt.<br><br>During the Beer Putsch on November 8, 1923, Lossow was detained by Hitler at the Bürgerbräukeller, along with Gustav von Kar and the head of the Bavarian police, Hans von Seiser.<br><br>After retiring in 1924, Lossow left for Turkey for a while, and then returned to Munich, where he died on November 25, 1938.<br>

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