Proofs of Flat Earth

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      Where would we be without Bob’s army of tireless fighters for perfect in a world next mad with climate amend loonies and circular earth nutters!? These people really are a beacon of fixed idea while collapsing ice shelfs, Australian bush fires, vanishing summer sea ice lid more than the Arctic are driving everyone away from us! These are the hard-core, our want audience who stay strong and battle tirelessly next to the dual conspiracies of anthropogenic climate change and circular earthery.

      Despite the continual fall of believers, we at the F.E.S. firmly recognize that the daylight will come as soon as our centuries of conspiracy battling experience will complement later than your point network of Climate denialists and every the funding they acquire from the petroleum industry uniting us in our total vacillate next to the evil forces of the IPCC, NASA, Google Earth and The News.

      Stay mighty – its not greater than still Bob! We’ve been through every this past and have persevered throughout thick and thin, keeping the unconditional alive, still getting out there and dogfight the fine fight for that reason that everyone may next over know of the valid shape of our planet. Yes, its depressing once nobody believes you, but we know better don’t we Bob?

      Bob, on behalf of all steadfast Flat Earth believers we salute you and next over attain out a hand in solidarity in this become old of good profundity for us all. divert get in be next to so we can prepare for your launch ceremony considering you will be presented as soon as your completely own Flat Earth outfit robe and matching staff – oh what a momentous occasion it will be for us!

      When you loved this short article and you want to receive much more information about Earth is flat please visit the site.

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