Gematria Wikipedia

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      Greek gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to letters, words, and phrases. Each letter in the Greek alphabet is assigned a number (1-24), and these numbers can be used to calculate the numerical value of words and phrases. Gematria can be used to find hidden meanings in text, or to simply calculate the numeric value of a word or phrase. When you loved this informative article and you want to receive more information relating to homepage kindly visit our own webpage. Jewish gematria or Hebrew gematria is the practice of assigning numerical values to letters (in English or any other language) in the hebrew system. This allows for words and phrases to be expressed as numbers, which can then be used for mathematical or mystical purposes. The most common way to assign numerical values to Hebrew letters is by using the assigned number of each letter in the alphabet in a kind of incremental way. The first 9 letters are valued from 1 to 9, the next 9 letters from 10 to 90, and the last four letters from 100 to 400. The most well-known type of gematria is the Hebrew gematria, which assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters. Each letter is assigned a numerical value from 1-400, with the letter aleph being equal to 1. There are various ways to calculate the value of words or phrases, but all involve totaling the numerical values of all letters in the word or phrase.

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