Gematria Wikipedia

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      Words and phrases are given numerical meanings using the old mathematical method known as gematria. It has different uses across the Middle East, Europe, and North Africa and has its roots in Jewish custom. The foundation of gematria is the notion that each letter in a word or sentence has a numerical value that can be used to decode the secret meaning of the word. Variant spellings of some letters can be used to produce sets of different numbers, which can be added up or analyzed separately. Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. The third form of gematria is called “Ordinal” gematria, which gives each letter a numerical value based on where it appears in the alphabet rather than on its own intrinsic worth. While this method can be used in the same way as Hebrew or Greek gematria, it yields different outcomes because of its distinct numbering scheme. They can gain more understanding of their own lives and characters by examining how specific numbers correlate with particular planets or zodiac signs in astrology. Greek gematria is a less popular form of gematria that gives Greek characters a numerical meaning. The values, which run from 1 to 800, are reminiscent of the Hebrew gematria, with alpha equivalent to 1. While Greek gematria can be applied similarly to Hebrew gematria, its use is more constrained due to its scarcity. If you enjoyed this information and you would like to receive even more information regarding web page kindly visit our own site. The first numerical cipher that is known to be assigned to the English Alphabet was by Cornelius Agrippa in 1533, in his work De Occulta Philosopha. Agrippa gave value to the English letters without trying to transliterate them from Hebrew or Greek, so L is 20, rather than 30 (for Lamed), M is 30, rather than 40 (for Mem) and N is 40, rather than 50 (for Nun). This cipher is sometimes erroneously labelled as “Jewish” or “Hebrew” by popular numerology calculators, such as Gematrix. A third type of gematria is known as ‘Ordinal’ gematria; this assigns a numerical value to each letter according to its place in the alphabet rather than its individual value. This system can be applied just like Hebrew or Greek gematria but produces different results due to its unique numbering system.

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