Military Time Converter Charts & How to Read

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      If someone told you to meet at “five-o-clock” you might ask if that is in the morning or evening. With military time, they would have told you “Zero Five Hundred Hours” or “Seventeen Hundred Hours” which would clear up the confusion. Below is a convenient chart that you can use to convert military times to regular times. If you loved this information and you wish to receive details regarding”>web page i implore you to visit the site. The 24-hour clock is the main format used in Europe. While it is known as military time to Americans it is simply a 24-hour clock to most Europeans. In Europe, listed times therefore do not include the indicators ‘AM’ or ‘PM’. Military time is a 24-hour clock designed to avoid confusion between daytime and nighttime hours, since the armed forces are in operation around the clock. The table below shows how we read military time from noon to 2400 hours. The illustrations below are examples of military time charts. Converting military time to the 12-hour format is simple for the first half of the day, from 1 am to 12 pm, as the numbers are the same in both systems. The only difference is that the 24-hour format adds a leading zero to single-digit numbers.

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