The History of Military Time For Precise Military Communication

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      Military time is often referred to as 24-hour time, but there are actually some differences between the two. See the example below for the difference in formatting between a 24-hour time and a military time. If the hours are 12 midnight, then the military time hours will be 00. If the hours are 12 noon, then the military time hours will be 12. We bet you are now a professional military time converter. It is not that hard once you have read about the basics and put your mind to reality into applying what you have read. Military time is made up of four digits, wherein two indicate the hours and two are the minutes. If the hour is less than 10, you read it with a 0 (“zero”) in front. You can read “zero” as “oh” if you are in less diplomatic or formal settings. But if the hour is greater than 10, then you do not add a 0 in front Should you liked this post as well as you would want to receive more information with regards to homepage i implore you to check out our website. .

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