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      But it seemed a coincidence that the sum of the 3 numerals in ESRA’s 162 Chanukah issue was 9, the numbers of the candles on the Chanukiah. In both cases the initials of both names in gematria is 345, the gematria of Moses מֹשֶׁה, and more astonishingly, the three letters of Moses is exactly the three initials of Metatron Prince of the Faces. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. We can do the same thing with the algorithm to isolate a specific group of entries which satisfies the the killer’s gematria criteria, reducing the potential target list from tens of thousands to perhaps just a few hundred. Gematria, is therefore, a mode of contemplating words according to the numerical value of their letters. In case you loved this article and you wish to receive details concerning web site ( generously visit our own page. On six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a sabbath of complete rest, holy to יהוה; whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. Plato (c. 427–347 BCE) offers a discussion in the Cratylus, involving a view of words and names as referring to the “essential nature” of a person or object and that this view may have influenced – and is central to – Greek gematria. Most of the above-mentioned methods and ciphers are listed by Rabbi Moshe Cordevero. Akhas Beta divides the alphabet into three groups of 7, 7 and 8 letters. Each letter is replaced cyclically by the corresponding letter of the next group. Albam – the alphabet is divided in half, eleven letters in each section. The first letter of the first series is exchanged for the first letter of the second series, the second letter of the first series for the second letter of the second series, and so forth. Kolel is the number of words, which is often added to the gematria. In modern day Israel, Gematria has been used in parodies such as the Baba Bubba a fictional Sephardic rabbi on the widely popular Zehu Ze! TV show, would calculate how Israel should not be concerned with Iraqi Scud missiles shot at Israel, and how the US and coalition forces would demolish Saddam Hussein’s army. The Hasmonean king of Judea, Alexander Jannaeus had coins inscribed in Aramaic with the Phoenician alphabet, marking his 20th and 25th year of reign using the letters K and KE (למלכא אלכסנדרוס שנת כ and למלכא אלכסנדרוס שנת כה).

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