RELION-format stack handling
We currently offer RELION software for analyzing single particle cryo-EM data.
Guidelines for uploading data in RELION format
Short version:
Upload your entire Extract directory into COSMIC² from RELION using Globus. All files found will be displayed in the data listing page when upload completes.
Long version:
- COSMIC² expects either of the following input data structures:
- Uploaded directory has RELION extracted particles with STAR file within uploaded directory named
- Uploaded directory has subdirectories, where each subdirectory has a STAR file named
- Each subdirectory will be listed as a separate dataset
- For RELION2 and RELION3 users, this means you just have to upload Extract directory and then every sub-directory (job001, job002, etc) will be listed as separate datasets
- Uploaded directory name: Extract
- With subdirectories: Extract/job001, Extract/job002
- Location of file: Extract/job001/, Extract/job002/
- Location of extracted particle images (anywhere within subdirectory: Extract/job001/Micrographs, Extract/job002/Micrographs/
- Example particle entry line from Extract/job001/Micrographs/file001.mrcs
- Will be displayed as the following on COSMIC²:Extract/job001/, Extract/job002/
Uploading cryoSPARC-extracted particle stacks
You can upload cryoSPARC stacks as long as you convert the .cs files to .star format. Learn more here.